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Below you will find the most frequently asked questions about land patents and the land patent process. Feel free to reach out if you have specific questions not addressed here.

  • What is a Land Patent?
    When land patents were originally granted from The President of The United States, they were issued to the individual, their heirs and assigns forever. They were a forever benefit and were physically handed down to heirs. Over time, deeds in various forms began being issued, resulting in the loss of true Superior Title. All deeds are color of title and are not true title. Bringing forward a land patent benefit restores the Superior Title as it was originally issued by the POTUS, through issuance of the original Land Patent.
  • What are the benefits of a Land Patent?
    Land patents can offer several benefits. They may free landowners from responsibility for honoring liens on their property, including those imposed by the state for unpaid taxes. They may permit their holders to retain the title to their lands in the face of state threats of seizure or eviction. They can also be transferred easily by means of inheritance. Most importantly, land patents permit their holders to dispose of their land as they see fit. It is important to note that all of these benefits require the land owner to educate and inform local officials and possibly courts of equity. Taking full advantage of the land patent benefit requires self-governance. Over the years, many have claimed that land patents are no longer valid and are not recognized. However, that is not factual. There have been several key Supreme Court cases which have affirmed the supremacy of federal property rights over local and state laws. In each of these cases, the U.S. Supreme Court upheld the supremacy of federal property rights over local and state laws. See Pacific Coast Dairy v. Department of Agriculture, Arlington Hotel v. Fant, and Surplus Trading Company v. Cook.
  • What are the steps in bringing forward a Land Patent benefit?
    The first step (for lands outside of the original colony states) is to verify the existence of the original land patent, which coincides with the location of your land. Next, a Title Abstractor in your area is located to complete the chain of tile research. Once the patent is located on the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) site and an Abstractor is identified, a certified copy of the land patent will be ordered from the BLM. When the chain of title work is complete and the certified patent is in hand, you will receive instructions for placement of your public posting in the newspaper and a web page will be created for public review of your patent benefit documents. After the sixty-one day common law posting period has passed, you will receive instructions for recording all of your patent documents. Once recorded, you will have superior title to your land!
  • I have seen other processes for completing a land patent. Why should I use this process?
    A well crafted land patent document should include all of the necessary components to inform any interested party as to which patent you are forming your basis for the patent benefit, what portion of land is the subject of the patent and it should establish the provenance clearly and accurately, based upon an accurate determination of the location of the subject land and the land of the original patent from POTUS. The patent process should also, in my opinion provide a public posting of the patent benefit, whereby the patent document can be reviewed. There is no requirement for this, common law or otherwise, but I find it difficult to believe that a patent benefit could be successfully brought forward without public notification, so interested parties are informed. There are other methods, such as an acceptance of deed or some form of abbreviated acceptance document which has no formal public notification, which are in my opinion insufficient in their scope. What you want to avoid, is some rogue judge declaring your patent to be void due to some deficiency. The fact that cases involving land patents can only be heard by an Article III court, is another matter. These uninformed/corrupt judges hear the cases without regard for the 150 plus years of case law. See the following case law: “I affirm that a patent is unimpeachable at law, except, perhaps, when it appears on its own face to be void; and the authorities on this point are so uniform and unbroken in the courts, federal and state, that little else will be necessary beyond a reference to them.” [Hooper et. al. v. Scheimer, 64 US. (23 how.) 235 (1859)]
  • Does a Land Patent benefit prevent foreclosure?
    It can if completed correctly and defended by someone with the necessary knowledge of case law. This may be intimidating for some, but the case law on the subject is voluminous. "When a lawfully qualified Sovereign American individual has a claim to title and is challenged, the court of competent original and exclusive jurisdiction is the Common law Supreme Court (Article III). Any action against a patent by a corporate state or their Respective statutory, legislative units (i.e., courts ) would be an action at Law which is outside the venue and jurisdiction of these Article 1 courts." Ron Gibson.
  • Do I still have to pay real estate taxes after a Patent benefit has been completed?
    No. However, there is a process for removing yourself from the tax roll. You can choose to simply enjoy the protection of your land patent benefit, or you may choose to get out of the tax club as well. Should you choose to stop paying taxes, you will need to be willing to engage your local taxing authority. They will likely not simply roll over and remove you from the tax roll on your first request, although this can happen. Once again, you will need to be willing to self-govern and proactively defend your superior property rights.
  • How long does it take to complete the Land Patent benefit?
    This depends on where the property is located, how complete the chain of title records are and how difficult it is to find a competent Title Abstractor to complete the required title research. Typically, title companies take anywhere from two weeks to several months to complete their research depending on how busy they are and how complex the search is. Expect the entire process to takes four to six months under normal circumstances.
  • Can a Land Patent be brought forward in any state?
    Technically, yes but from a practical standpoint, there are areas in which the records have been lost to history, or the abstractors in the county refuse to complete the necessary chain of title research to complete our process. It is of course, possible to complete the chain of title research yourself, however I NEVER recommend this, for a number of reasons. See the Services page for more information.
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